Kari de Burgh
The Mitchell Company, Inc.
Jon Corn Broker. CA License DRE #00788252
The Mitchell Group Consultants, LLC
Real Estate Consultants
The Mitchell Group Consultants analyze properties on behalf of individual clients and small partnerships. We analyze property values, market trends, economic factors and various environmental elements that affect a particular property value. Our clients are both local and International in spectrum. We are often called upon to assist appraisers in understanding values in particular neighborhoods, identifying aspects of value that may have been under or over appreciated.



Property Re-Development, Staging & Marketing
Once a property is identified, we budget and implement a re-development plan. We supervise redevelopment and we strategize timing for marketing upon completion. Timing is everything.
Our Team
Kari de Burgh | Managing Partner
Jonathon Corn | Broker
Sheri LaCasella | Transaction Coordinator
Sheyenne Pruett| Marketing & Design Content
Desmond de Burgh | Technical Analyst